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either the CIA or the FBI is censoring youtube videos and then lying to the public on 'youtube's behalf

kalpuli ocelotra
3/05/09 9:01
part #4 of the 12 part documentary 'All Power to the People: The Black Panther Party and Beyond', has been censored.

We received the following message: "Your video could include audio of "Love Child" by Diana Ross and The Supremes which is licensed and property of WMG."

This is ridiculous, as in fact there is no music in this segment of the documentary.

Martin Luther King's assassination by criminals under the instruction of the FBI, precisely under J Edgar Hoover, is mentioned, and we feel that this is the reason why this video is being prohibited to you the public.

In fact, the banning of the video and the message from "youtube" was probably done by criminal elements within the USA political military system that continue to practice COINTEL-PRO style crimes.

This is more proof that people in the USA are not free, and that the FBI and the CIA represent crime disguised as law.

Respuestas (2)

3/05/09 12:17
Please ask this in the English forum :)
kalpuli ocelotra
3/05/09 22:55
bueno, apenas censuraron uno de los videos que subi.

Dice que incluye una cancion y por derchos del autor se desactiva el audio.

En realidad no hay ninguna musica en el video, y el contenido o tema esta controvertida por que incluye historia que revela que el Dr Martin Luther King fue asasinado por el FBI.

Intente comunicar me con "youtube", y sube el video varios veces pero nunca se pudo subir para que correctamente con sonido dse podria ver.

Subi otros 11 videos, todos partes del mismo documental, sin problema.

Al parecer el mismo FBI o la CIA estan jugando para tener el video censurado. Si te pones a ver a nuestra pagina "" veras que somos una pagina que va totalemente en desafio a autoridades corruptas, entonces no se por sorpresa de que van a censurar mas videos nuestros.

kalpuli Ocelotr@