Hola estoy tratando de monetizar un video creado por mi y youtube me mando un correo que dice lo siguiente:
Dear crashon182,
Thanks for submitting your video "Módulo 2 - Curso BennuGD" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEMG2DetLs0) for monetization.
Unfortunately, we are unable to approve your request. We have determined that the content in your video is not advertiser-friendly. To learn what kind of content is not considered advertiser-friendly on YouTube, visit our Partner Program Policies at http://www.youtube.com/creators/partner-program-policies.html.
Please note that YouTube reserves the right to make the final decision whether to monetize a video, and may disable monetization for users who repeatedly submit ineligible videos. If you currently have videos pending review, you can choose to opt them out of monetization by visiting http://www.youtube.com/my_videos.
Thanks for your understanding,
The YouTube Team
El video en cuestion es un videotutorial que fue creado por mi, no tiene musica ni nada. alguien sabe porque ocurre esto?? saludos!!