Bueno, es relativamente fácil, yo me registré con una edad errónea al sitio y desearía poder cambiarla y poner mi verdadera edad... ahora, me veo imposibilitado a hacer eso debido a como funciona Youtube... dado a que no hay forma alguna de cambiarlo, ruego se tome en cuenta esto para instalar la función.
Well, to put it simply, I registered with a wrong birth date and would like to change it so as to have my real age shown... but alas, try as I may, there is no way I can change my age, being therefore forever stuck to being 20+ years older than I actually am... What I would like is for the Youtube staff to take heed of my suggestion and do something about it... as of now, it is rather pointless not to be able to change my age.
Desde ya muchas gracias, thanks in advance.