Hola amigos,
Hoy recibi un correo de youtube, donde me dicen que sino envio una informacion de mi cuenta, contraseña y correo electronico, mi cuenta sera suspendida sino respondo en 48 horas, la verdad es muy extraño que el administrador de youtube me este pidiendo datos que ello deberian tener en su base de datos. el correo es el siguiente:
copyright claims
copyright claims
You are receiving this message because we were unable to contact you through email due to a System malfunction. I am an editor here at Youtube and it has come to my attention that besides your account being flagged numerous times (which is something we here at YouTube receive thousands of false flagging) We have had a number of DMCA claims on your account.
After reviewing your account I see no actual DMCA claims. However, with further look I will Remove all DMCA claims from your account. All who filed these False claims will have to be removed. But for that being done You must prove your Identity.
Anything you message to this email will be forwarded to our tech team. They are the ones who will remove the DMCA claims from your account.
Due to the mass emails us editors receive we have made it simple for Youtubers to forward information. In case you have any doubts please look at my channel.
Please Follow the directions below:
Copy this message filled in with the information registered on this account.
Keep in mind it will be forwarded to the Tech Support Team.
Account number # 874637289483
See you back on YouTube!
Youtube Help Team
You have 48 hours to reply or your account is subject to suspension
Agradeceria su ayuda sobre este correo,