Haze dos dias estava tan tranquilo en mi cuenta de youtube, pero un amigo me pidio que le estaban insultando. yo fui al canal de el agresor (potatoindianajones) y le pregunte porque insultava a mi amigo, y desde entonces, me puntuan mal los videos, me insultan, y muchas cosas por el estilo en total se unieron 2 personas mas contra mi.
Estos son los agresores que no nos dejan vivir:
Two days ago was so quiet in my youtube account, but a friend asked me it was insulting. I went to the aggressor channel (potatoindianajones) and ask for insultava my friend, and since then, I punctuate bad the videos, they insult me, and things like that in all but 2 people were united against me.
These are the attackers not let us live: