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Are there other ways to claim old Youtube accounts without login in?

Mj Hn
28/12/18 10:38
I recently got hold of an old google account that was linked to an equally old youtube channel. Since I haven't logged into the account since 2013ish, my old youtube account has been unlinked from my google account. I tried claiming the account with the mechanism youtube offers (which asks for the youtube account's username and password) but can't remember the password. Is there any other way to claim an account? I still have old emails pertaining to the account to confirm that it was linked to my google account. Thank you in advance.

Respuestas (2)

Manny M
28/12/18 10:58
Hi there.

If you signed into the account by 2013, it is most likely (almost certainly) to be linked to a Google account, in which case you'll have to use the Google Account recovery system, chech the link below:

If you have actually have a legacy channel and you want to link it to a Google account, you MUST remember the legacy password because there is no password recovery system for these legacy channels.

Mj Hn
29/12/18 10:18
Hi, thanks for the help. I understand that the support site ( states that if you logged in after 2011 the youtube account would still be linked to my google account. However, this is not the case. I can login into my google account, but then when I go to, my old youtube channel is not linked. I still have emails of updates on old videos from the channel, even from 2015. Does youtube have a direct email where I can ask them directly about this issue?