Notice how the video that appears first (by GothicEbmStation) has their viewcounts updated and its showing FIRST.. hell even A REMIX IS SHOWN FIRST THAN MY VIDEO...
I HAVE +60 suscribers, Gothicbm ONLY 9, HELL i have MORE VIEWS THAN HIS VIDEO EVEN WITH MY VIEWCOUNT FROZEN SINCE THE FIRST DAY I UPLOADED IT! but this is not going to last much, his video is gaining more and more views frm the searchlist while mine its not, and its getting pushed down even further.
I have more examples like the last video i uploaded ( T3RR0R 3RR0R - Domination ) has 77 views while in the searchlist IT SHOWS ONLY 6!!! now anyone can just upload the exact same video and will get more views & appear first in the searchlists!!