We'd like to inform you that your channel Shin Akemi has been terminated because we concluded that it was linked to a channel that was disabled for having three or more Copyright strikes. You can find more information by checking the email inbox of your linked account.
Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts unless the linked channel is reinstated. For more information about copyright strikes and terminations, please visit our Help Center.
If you would like to appeal the suspension, please submit this form."
Mi canal tiene 0 strikes. Le ha llegado otro mensaje asi a mi hermano en su canal. No lo entiendo, no nos han cerrado ninguno de nuestros canales por strikes, pero hay pone que si. El canal que si han cerrado es el de mi novia. Los tres tenemos nuestros canales en el mismo pc, ya que el pc es mio, y como ellos hacen pocos videos lo hacen en mi pc.
Que puedo hacer?