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YT Account suspended due 3 straight flags and no notification email

30/12/12 8:43
Hello everyone,
Today I wanted to log in my youtube account "maringrbacvideo" and found out it was terminated. It was a piano tutorial channel with ~6 Milion views and 3k subscribers... a lot of work behind of it, definetely. I think I had around 120 tutorials and everyone loved them and left kind comments.
I want to appeal the termination decision, I haven't done so yet, that's why I need some of your opinions. 
It was a community guideline violation termination, I guess. The thing is that some months ago I decided to use linkbucks on the description of my videos in order to provide my viewers with the MIDI file of the song I was teaching. I didn't realise I was violating Terms of Service 5.E.iii "not allowed the sale of advertising, sponsorships or promotions on any page of an ad-enabled blog or website containing Content delivered via the Service unless other material not obtained from YouTube appears on the same page and is of sufficient value to be the basis for such sales"
Obviously, and that is fair, I received two community guideline strikes. My account was locked and I couldn't access it for some weeks. I didn't receive any email from Youtube to my YT-related email adress letting me know about those strikes. I never knew the exact reason of those claims, because I never received an email from them. I checked Junk mail and all the folders but no, no emails there either.

Then I guessed that linkbucks was not allowed, but I wasn't able to change the descriptions and delete the links because the account was temporarily locked. I understood everything and the day after getting those 2 strikes I rushed and disabled all my linkbucks links, so at least the links still were in the descriptions but they lead to nowhere, that was the way to not violate the terms again even having the YT account locked. Here you have an example of a disabled link:

So my account has now been terminated due to a third strike, I received no email whatsoever and I have no clue why was that this time. My linkbucks links have been disabled for 3 weeks and I'm not violating any other YT ToS. 
My email adress used to work fine with Youtube regarding Partnership issues, comments, subscriptions,... but it seems like I haven't received any email regarding those strikes and that made me lose my piano tutorial channel.
What do you guys think? In what way can I appeal this decision? Everyone was so happy with my tutorials and now they're no longer there.
Thanks for your time

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