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Subxce*s and partnership little question!

20/03/12 9:41
Hello Youtube :D
Well , i have a little question.

I have heared about that site: subxce*s, that give us subscribers, and well , i only want to ask this:

If i apply this website to have more subs, i can have the partner anymore ? Or i cant if i apply this site ?

Thanks so much! Sorry bad english

Respuestas (3)

Manny M
20/03/12 9:56
No uses ese tipo de servicios, casi todos violan los términos de uso de YouTube y te arriesgas a que tu cuenta sea suspendida, tal y como lo ha dicho el personal de YouTube.

Además, de nada serviría tener muchos suscriptores, si tus vídeos tienen pocas visitas. 
20/03/12 9:58
Como se si la violan ? Como se si se puede usar ? Es eso lo que quiero :S

Gracias de todos modos!
Manny M
20/03/12 11:48
"Recently, we’ve seen a rise in creative agencies and vendors that claim to increase subscribers while complying with the YouTube Terms of Service. In most cases, those claims are false; the purchase or gaming of subscribers is a violation of our Terms of Service."