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Cannot reproduce VEVO video on HTML5 iframe tag on Android App (using phonegap)

23/07/12 13:32

I am Daniel, and I am developing a mobile app for android where I wanted to play youtube videos amongst othe things. 
I am doing a test with phonegap displaying a html5 page with a <iframe> tag like this:
<iframe class="youtube-player" allowfullscreen width="640" height="385" src="" frameborder="0">
But I am having troubles with VEVO license I suppose... because I get a message that encourage me to use youtube for watching this video. But, if I use the same code in a my web page I have no problem.
Is this a bug? Is an android limitation? Is a "feature"? Is there a chance to fix it?

Thank you!!

Daniel Garcia

Respuestas (2)

24/07/12 5:25
Hi Daniel Garcia, this Forum YouTube-ES is only for spanish questions, if you are spanish, please edit your problem and write in spanish, if you not are Spanish, please go to YouTube and post you problem :-)

Manny M
24/07/12 9:21
Parece que muchos de los videos de canales de VEVO tienen la inserción deshabilitada, y es muy probable que compañías discográficas tengan opciones avanzadas para gestionar el contenido. Quizás lo tengan bloqueado para algunos dispositivos también.