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Problema con Multichannel Network y Deshabilitacion monetizacion. Existe solución?

Walter Cobos
31/01/14 9:29
Este es el mensaje que envié a youtube hace tiempo y describe el problema con OnAir.FM la multichannel que en mi opinión no hizo nada por ayudarme

The following will detail the problem that I have now on my Youtube channel:

1. In November 2012 I signed a contract with Multichannel OnAir.FM; as a result of this contract and communication thereof to the Youtube Partner program, On November 28 I received the following email from which said that :

"The YouTube user account is now linked to NivozNivotoYoutubify OnAirFM for claiming videos."

2. As stated I became Youtube partner entitled to monetization. From here all right and the system worked perfect on my channel.

3. Now, on May 3rd, 2013 received from OnAir.FM, the following email:

Dear OnAir.FM Dear client,

As You Might Have noticed, info we have experienced interruption of our advertisements on YouTube for the last week due to suspicious activity on a channel That was connected With The OnAir.FM network. This channel is now disconnected. As part of the resolution, we will be moving all channels to a new management system with better security against These types of fraud. You will receive an email from YouTube today to confirm to connect your channel with Omnia Media. Please confirm this by clicking on the link in That email. As soon as your channel is transferred is by clicking that link, we will Be Able to process your March payment. Your Contract with OnAir.FM Will Remain active. Thank you for your support and understanding. The OnAir.FM Management

4. Unfortunately the email I should receive from you to connect to the server Omnia Media was never received it and from that day I have off the monetization of my videos without really knowing why, OnAir.FM say they can not fix it because it is a AdSense area and as I remember I've never had an AdSense account, I have asked OnAir.FM if they can release or unbind my channel of their network but do not want it and do not provide adequate support.

5. I ask please for a solution to my problem, that is to reactivate the monetization on my channel I have no problem whatsoever to continue the relationship with OnAir.FM but currently they doesnt give me any solution.

Luego vino la respuesta de youtube que no entiendo: This email account is not being monitored anymore. Please speak directly to your network representative if you're looking to be added to a network.

El problema es que la opcion para monetizar esta deshabilitada y no se que hacer. Los de Adsense tambien me respondieron esto:

Estimado editor:

Gracias por su recurso. Le agradecemos la información adicional que nos ha proporcionado, así como sus continuas muestras de interés en el programa AdSense. Sin embargo, tras volver a revisar detenidamente los datos de su cuenta y tomar en consideración sus comentarios, nuestros especialistas han confirmado que no podemos readmitir su cuenta de AdSense.

Le informamos de que una vez que hayamos tomado una decisión sobre su recurso, no se tendrá en cuenta ningún otro recurso y tal vez no nos volvamos a poner en contacto con usted. Tenga en cuenta que los editores de AdSense con cuentas inhabilitadas por infracciones de los Términos y condiciones no podrán volver a participar en AdSense. Es por este motivo que no puede abrir cuentas nuevas.

Además, las cuentas inhabilitadas por actividad de clics no válidos no recibirán más pagos ni se les volverá a emitir el pago anterior. El saldo pendiente y el reparto de Google de los beneficios se devolverán por completo a los anunciantes afectados. Gracias por su comprensión en este asunto.

Entendemos que le gustaría recibir más información relativa a la actividad de su cuenta. No obstante, a efectos de proteger nuestro sistema de detección patentado, no podemos facilitar datos a los editores sobre la actividad de sus cuentas.


El equipo de Google AdSense


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