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YouTube - Foro de ayuda

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Adriana Amador
11/09/16 15:31
This message is just to communicate and ask for help from one of your family Youtuber called Yurgen Pacheco, Venezuela's is very nice and makes videos, I am fan number 1 of he. But unfortunately it has been diagnosed with cancer again, the economic situation of their country is not good, and therefore the salary of his parents is not sufficient for the treatment he needs.
With this message I just want to ask for help for, Youtube you're the biggest media company and I know you can help, I know you know how to help, and I ask with all my heart you put into practice all the help you can give in.
He needs your help, please do something.
Thank you and hope to God that at least read this message.
I know you'll know do something. regards

Respuestas (1)

Moe - The forum bartender
11/09/16 17:25
Hola Adriana.

Lamentamos lo ocurrido, pero desde este foro no podemos apoyarte.
Lo mejor sería si vos abréis alguna campaña en youtube y activando la opción de donaciónes, para así exponer el casi y solicitar el apoyo de los usuarios que es grande y coperativo.

Alluka Ariel.