me quitaron la monetizacion, por favor me gustaria que me manden el correo de gmail para poder eliminar esa cuenta ya que dicha cuenta de youtube no conozco y esta afectando a mi canal de youtube. creo que estan cometiendo un error por culpa de otros.
We have disabled monetization on your account as a result of multiple Community Guidelines strikes, copyright strikes, and/or worldwide Content ID blocks on your account TvNovelasLatino. If you deleted the blocked videos, account monetization may still be disabled. This affects all YouTube channels linked to your AdSense account.
You might be able to regain monetization after six months provided that all YouTube channels linked to this AdSense account are in good standing.
Please refer to our Copyright Center and Policy and Safety Hub to learn how to manage your content on YouTube. You can also visit Features and Copyright Noticessections of your YouTube account for more information regarding your account status and visit the Help Center for more information on commercial use rights.
The YouTube Team
por favor ayudenme me esta ocacionando problemas con mi canal.
PD: no creo que me impidan enviarme el correo ya que dicha cuenta esta afiliada a la misma cuenta de adense.