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Pasaron los 3 meses que suspendieron mi canal

Vanessa Vasquez
20/10/17 10:09
Hola el 15  de octubre se cumplió los 3 meses que me suspendieron  mi canal de youtube.
quisiera saber que procedimiento tengo que seguir:
Como saber que mi canal ya esta listo para poder seguir subiendo videos.

o si tengo que escribir a soporte de youtube..

o tengo que esperar un correo de youtube diciéndome que mi canal ya esta en orden..

por favor podrían alguien ayudarme. 

Gracias por su ayuda y tengan un buen día

Respuestas (4)

20/10/17 10:11

Las suspensiones del canal no son algo temporal.
¿Que correo recibiste en relación al cierre del canal?

Vanessa Vasquez
20/10/17 11:22
este es el mensaje que me envió youtube:
Hi salud y belleza,

As you may know, our Community Guidelines describe which content we allow – and don’t allow – on YouTube. Your video "Como Abortar por Medios de Remedios Caseros" was flagged for review. Upon review, we’ve determined that it violates our guidelines. We’ve removed it from YouTube and assigned a Community Guidelines strike, or temporary penalty, to your account.

Video content restrictions

YouTube doesn't allow content that encourages or promotes violent or dangerous acts that have an inherent risk of serious physical harm or death. For example, it's not okay to post videos showing drug abuse, underage drinking and smoking, or bomb making.

The only depictions of such activities that we may allow need to be educational or documentary in nature and shouldn’t be designed to help or encourage others to imitate them. When uploading a video, make sure to post as much information as possible in the title and description to help us and your viewers understand the primary purpose of the video. Learn more here. 

The impact of strikes

This is the first strike applied to your account. We understand that users seldom intend to violate our policies. That’s why strikes don’t last forever – this strike will expire in three months. However, it’s important to remember that additional strikes could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account being terminated.
How you can respond

If you believe this was a mistake, we’d like to hear from you. Please follow both of these steps as simply deleting the video won’t resolve the strike on your account.
The next time you sign in you will be asked to acknowledge this strike on your account.
If you would like to appeal this strike, please submit this form. Our team will thoroughly review your appeal and will contact you again very soon.
We value your opinions and feedback. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey.

- The YouTube Team
25/10/17 10:28
Hola de nuevo,

Dicho correo que nos has pasado hace referencia sobre una sanción que recibió el canal de YouTube.
Es decir, no el cierre del canal de YouTube que no es algo temporal.

¿No recibiste otro tipo de correo? ¿Cual era la URL del canal?

Un Saludo.
Vanessa Vasquez
26/10/17 8:57
no recibí ningún otro correo

Gracias y disculpa la molestia 

Que Dios te bendiga