Estimado! Ya me has resuelto un problema con Youtube en el pasado, por eso es que acudo otra vez a ti a ver si me puedes ayudar en esta. Te copio el desarrollo del problema, que ya lo planteé en otro lado sin éxito. Está en inglés, si no entiendes ese idioma por favor me avisas y lo traduzco:
A couple of months ago I uploaded a video of a full album of a certain artist (an old one). During the first month it hadn't got much views, about 300 a day. When it reached 10.000 (more or less a month after uploaded) the daily viewcount rose enormously from one day to the other, up to about 3.000 a day. More or less 3 weeks later, when the total views were like 80.000, it took another huge boost and went up to 10.000 views a day approximately. Each time it increased it was like it went to a new level, because the number of views per day was very even, at that level. Of course that kind of changes are not due to more interest of the public because they are not gradual but sudden increases, like steps.
It went like that for about a week, when I had the idea of including in the tags the name of a related band (with the idea of getting even more views). Fatal error. From the moment I did that the viewcount dropped dramatically. Yesterday I only got 2.000 or 3.000 views compared to the 10.000 I was getting a couple of days ago.
Of course the first thing I did was erasing the name of the related band from the tags to get everything as it was before, but it didn't work out and today my views were still in the 2.000-3.000 range.
When I tried to find out why, I found that a lot of people came to my video from the side suggestions on other artist's albums, I mean very popular artists like the Rolling Stones, Cat Stevens, The Cure, Led Zeppelin, etc... From the moment I made that adition to the tag words, my video was no longer suggested at the side of that artists' albums, and that situation didn't reverse when I erased the new tag words and left it as it was before. So, I think being no longer in the suggestions of the most well-known artists is for sure the reason of the dramatic dropout on my video's viewcount.
My questions are: does somebody know how the YouTube system works and what are those sudden increases due to? How do you get to being suggested in the big artist's sidebar? Is it possible that you go out of that just because you added a new tagword? Will my video ever return to being suggested there so I get 10.000 views a day again or it's like I'm "out of the race" now?
Te agradecería muchísima si me pudieras ayudar! Saludos.