Dra. Ana Mon APOYO FAMILIAR New way of erradication ofpoverty, completely different to normally . private, apolitical and eciumenical Fromexperience to principles started a great group in dr ana mons house and now working in 3 continentes, and can work in 5 , trainining new social leaders in different places and cotinents at the same time, adapting our way to each own ethnia, customs, languages....because of our way of , and thanks to technology............SO LEADERS TRAINED WE GIVE THEM autonomy, ligated by national Federations, and religated by CIAF NOW THERE ARE 1004 CENTERS,IN 3 POOREST CONTINENTS, BUT WE CAN DO MUCH MORE IF SOMEONE BELIEVES IN US AND PAY US 2 TIKETS OF PLANE AND WE GO AND EXPLAIN IN 15 TO 20 MINUTS WITH A CLIPBOARD OR SIMILAR, in seconds you can here everytning, cnnlink, february 2014 Also Internatinonaly Confederation for Family Support(CIAF)HAS SPECIAL CONSULTATIVE STATUS WITH ECOSOC UNITED NATIONS N YORK, AND 13 NOMINATIONS TO NOBEL PEACE PRIZE family1...@gmail.com www.apoyofamiliar.org, "Todos juntos construyamos un presente mas digno para que ellos forjen su futuro mejor" "All together let us bring a better present so they can struggle for their own future"
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