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Google Chrome - Foro de ayuda

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Pantalla de login a Chrome al inicio

31/01/18 7:03
Cada vez que abro Chrome aparece una nueva pestaña con la opción de login, a pesar de estar ya logueado.
en la barra de herramientas aparece:


Es molesto tener que cerrarla o volver a introducir los datos.

Alguien sabe como solucionarlo?

Respuestas (23)

31/01/18 7:21
Hola Dieter! de pronto pueda ser tu usuario, te dejo un link donde a alguien le sucedía lo mismo. Prueba y me cuentas vale!
31/01/18 14:47
Gracias Yesid, por el momento he hecho lo que me indicas (borrar y volver a crear el usuario), y todo ha funcionado bien, de todas formas esto sucede aleatoriamente, por lo que no puedo cantar victoria, en unos días te confirmo si no me ha vuelto a pasar, nuevamente gracias.
2/02/18 14:33
Hoy ha vuelto a suceder, inicio Chrome y aparece la ventana de login a la cuenta de Google para entrar a Chrome, cuando en realidad ya estoy dentro, lo ignoro y listo, pero es molesto.
Insisto en que he borrado el usuario y me he logueado de cero utilizando además "Restablecer la configuración original"
Vuelvo a escribir lo que aparece en la barra de direcciones:
Me ha parecido que sucede luego de algunas horas de inactividad, o cuando la PC se vuelve a encender, tal vez tenga relación con algún cambio de IP o actividad en otro dispositivo.
2/02/18 15:55
Hola de Nuevo Dieter! Puede ser que tengas algún dispositivo que te genere una IP dinámica, según lo que nos comentas. En este caso puedes ponerte en contacto con tu proveedor de la red o el de tú computadora.

Un saludo!
2/02/18 16:22
Tengo Fibra con IP dinámica, o sea que el cambio de IP se dio siempre, nunca tuve IP estática, estoy comenzando a sospechar que tal vez ese dispositivo (una pequeña Tablet) quiere algún permiso, pues le quité 3 permisos a apps hace unos días, me llama la atención que no me advierta nada y que la pantalla de login sea sin ninguna aclaración.
Diego Borrero
7/02/18 5:35
Hola Dieter

Bienvenido al foro de ayuda de Google Chrome

me gustaría saber si tu tablet en otra red diferente wiffi tiene el mismo comportamiento?.
si en otro dispositivo u ordenador dentro de la misma red presenta la misma falla?

7/02/18 16:28
Hola Diego, el 95% del tiempo que estoy en Chrome es de desde la PC onectada por LAN a IP dinámica.
Dentro de la misma red, con la misma cuenta de Google tengo esa Tablet y una Notebook y no, no han presentado el "problema" aún al usarlas con la misma cuenta.
Pero por eso lo del principio, esto es solo un 5% del tiempo, margen insuficiente (ya que el problema en PC aparece ocasionalmente cada 24 horas) para asegurar que los otros dispositivos no lo lleguen a presentar.
Me daría por satisfecho el saber a que se debe el error teniendo en cuenta los parámetros de la dirección, donde aparece un auto_close=1 y force_keep_data=1 dando a entender que cerré la cuenta desde algún lugar, cosa que no hago.
Diego Borrero
8/02/18 17:29
Teniendo en cuenta que el problema es en el PC me gustaría saber que sistema operativo manejas.
si es windows realiza las siguientes instrucciones: 

  1. Para abrir Cuentas de usuario, haz clic en el botón Inicio 
    Imagen del botón Inicio
    , en Panel de control, en Cuentas de usuario y protección infantil y, a continuación, en Cuentas de usuario.
  2. Haz clic en Administrar otra cuenta
    Imagen del icono de escudo de seguridad
     Si se te pide una contraseña de administrador o una confirmación, escribe la contraseña o proporciona la confirmación.
  3. Haga clic en Crear una nueva cuenta.
  4. Escribe el nombre que quieras asignar a la cuenta de usuario, haz clic en un tipo de cuenta y, a continuación, haz clic en Crear cuenta.
es un usuario de windows de prueba, abre tu cuenta y prueba el usuario nuevo de windows para descartar posible falla del sistema operativo.
8/02/18 19:35
Hice lo que me has sugerido, uso Win7.
Probé con la cuenta Invitado y luego creé otra con credenciales de administrador.
Ambas cuentas funcionaron igual, y a medias, por ejemplo, abren navegadores, aplicaciones compartidas y demás pero no abren el panel de control o la personalización de íconos ocultos, tal vez sea el espacio en disco, me queda solo el 10%, apenas más de 100 MB, al volver a la cuenta original todo perfecto y hoy el problema de logeo a Chrome no apareció, parece que es un dia si y un dia no.
Volveré a molestar y a seguir de cerca esto que me resulta muy curioso.
Un abrazo.
Diego Borrero
9/02/18 6:57
quedare atento del seguimiento de tu caso, si sigue fallando vuelve y comenta y si se te soluciona igualmente.
22/02/18 8:35
Hoy, al abrirse la pestaña, recordé ir al administrador de tareas de Chrome desde donde copié (a mano, no hay alternativa) la siguiente info:

He alterado el número de usuario y el mail asociado, o sea, id77185425922 y nitetuc son datos falsos.

Cualquiera puede acceder a esa dirección y le saldrá el bendito pedido de login.

No se si sirva de algo, pero la palabra flow me recuerda a un servicio de un operador de tv cable, y su relación con la aparición de "app" también me recuerda que instalé (hace muucho) una app para chrome de ese servicio que desinstalé inmediatamente.

Flow también puede referirse a cualquier otra cosa, lo mio es solo especulación.

También me pasó una sola vez, que al abrir una pestaña para controlar un Chromecast (dato que se me olvidó decir, este chrome tiene un Chromecast asociado) se abrió la solapa de login.

Agrego que esa pestaña está anclada, por lo tanto al ingresar a chrome SIEMPRE accede a la info del chromecast.

Diego Borrero
24/02/18 11:52
si puedes agregar una captura de pantalla, seria de gran ayuda.
24/02/18 18:39
Es fácil, solo seguir los links que he dado, pero ahí va:

Diego Borrero
24/02/18 20:40
según lo que entendió el auto login se presenta en tu pc, no te pasa en la table ni el notebook, es intermitente el problema en tu navegador, te recomiendo el limpiador de chrome.
24/02/18 21:31
Va otra captura de como suele salir mas normalmente, como una especie de popup, después de algunos segundos se abre en pestaña nueva.
Lo primero que hice fue limpieza, volver a la configuración inicial de chrome (restablecer) y crear nuevamente el usuario (ahora incluso está en otra carpeta y con otro perfil (antes era el predeterminado, ahora es Profile_3).

Descargué el limpiador, al usarlo te aviso.

Descargué el limpiador, al usarlo te aviso.
25/02/18 8:17
Paso el reporte del limpiador, "no se ha encontrado ningún programa":

Software no deseado encontrado: Ninguno
Estos registros también se guardan en el siguiente formato: c:\users\usuario\appdata\local\Google\Chrome Cleanup Tool\chrome_cleanup.log

Datos del entorno:
Versión de Windows: 1
Versión de la aplicación: 23.131.2
Versión de Chrome: 64.0.3282.186
Canal de Chrome: 0
Configuración regional predeterminada: es-ES
Informe detallado del sistema: 1
Número de bits del programa: 32
Informes de métricas habilitados: 0
Informes ampliados de Navegación Segura habilitados: 0
Después de reiniciar: 0
Informe parcial: 1
Inicio del Limpiador de Chrome: sin solicitarse
Información de la CPU:
Arquitectura: x86_64
Proveedor: GenuineIntel
ID: 198339
Mensaje de Chrome: 0
ID del Limpiador: 0b739807-c10f-49b8-9d0c-b2a9fc250ab7

Software no deseado encontrado:
Coincidencias incompletas:
Hiru (318):
ObservedHiru;binary file matched regex but not yara;'CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY\google chrome.lnk';Digest;2EBD77C77BF3B72F8E39FD2F6BAE1CA67A42F357DC6C81E5EB1BCE966992CD56:
Elex/ChromeShortcut (326):
ObservedElexChromeShortcut;binary file matched regex but not yara;'CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY\google chrome.lnk';Digest;2EBD77C77BF3B72F8E39FD2F6BAE1CA67A42F357DC6C81E5EB1BCE966992CD56:

Detailed system report:

Module loaded to Chrome Cleanup Tool: chrome_cleanup_tool.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROFILE\downloads\chrome_cleanup_tool.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-25', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-25', digest = '0B17E676A6292722618BB4D1235B5D6C29C65099318BDF60280008B6B04C4622', size = '3927160', company_name = 'Google', company_short_name = 'Google', product_name = 'Chrome Cleanup Tool', product_short_name = 'Chrome Cleanup Tool', internal_name = 'chrome_cleanup_tool_exe', original_filename = 'chrome_cleanup.exe', file_description = 'Chrome Cleanup Tool', file_version = '23.131.2', active_file = '1'
Module loaded to Chrome Cleanup Tool: aswhookx.dll
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\avast software\avast\aswhookx.dll', file_creation_date = '2018-02-14', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = '874645CEA867A434499988B67EB9193E26A0F466DBF913907006359D9F0D7806', size = '199936', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast', internal_name = 'aswhookx.dll', original_filename = 'aswhookx.dll', file_description = 'Hook Library', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Module loaded to Chrome Cleanup Tool: WLIDNSP.DLL
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON\microsoft shared\windows live\wlidnsp.dll', file_creation_date = '2012-07-17', file_last_modified_date = '2012-07-17', digest = 'B3C5837C29A71E82CA4C7A887FE219C26A5CAA1230AD7E5853C4B3035C7CC94D', size = '145648', company_name = 'Microsoft Corp.', product_name = 'Microsoft® CoReXT', internal_name = 'WlidNSP.dll', original_filename = 'WlidNSP.dll', file_description = 'Microsoft® Windows Live ID Namespace Provider', file_version = '7.250.4311.0', active_file = '1'
Process: : smss.exe
File information: 
Process: : csrss.exe
File information: 
Process: : csrss.exe
File information: 
Process: : winlogon.exe
File information: 
Process: : services.exe
File information: 
Process: : lsass.exe
File information: 
Process: : lsm.exe
File information: 
Process: : USBSRService.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\usb safely remove\usbsrservice.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-06-23', file_last_modified_date = '2014-12-26', digest = '9668CF26992D74B1E05DAEADADE9D3D31D8C30A3C3B23FC2604B5B4A96D4470B', size = '1666416', company_name = 'Crystal Rich Ltd', product_name = 'USBSRService', internal_name = 'USBSRService', file_description = 'USB Safely Remove assistant service', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : AvastSvc.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\avast software\avast\avastsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-14', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'C42B64099C79401231129A7498DD481DE4EFFDEE99EEA50000A3781E7931FD69', size = '300600', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'AvastSvc', original_filename = 'AvastSvc.exe', file_description = 'Avast Service', file_version = '18.1.3800.0', active_file = '1'
Process: : spoolsv.exe
File information: 
Process: : taskhost.exe
File information: 
Process: : armsvc.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON\adobe\arm\1.0\armsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2013-09-05', file_last_modified_date = '2013-09-05', digest = 'E85E7BFD29F00ED34BF5BE8BD4DA93CBB14278E16809BB55406875F0DA88551E', size = '65640', company_name = 'Adobe Systems Incorporated', product_name = 'Adobe Acrobat Update Service', internal_name = 'armsvc.exe', original_filename = 'armsvc.exe', file_description = 'Adobe Acrobat Update Service', file_version = '1, 7, 4, 0', active_file = '1'
Process: : IOMonitorSrv.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\asrock utility\a-tuning\bin\iomonitorsrv.exe', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-28', digest = '1122E08493BFDF639ECB80A7F3BD640971FF3639154F4130434F98E1831E004A', size = '454656', active_file = '1'
Process: : bgsvcgen.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\bgsvcgen.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-22', file_last_modified_date = '2016-10-22', digest = '24FF3254680E46B5F3822D26E9AA5020B4B9809AC7B4FF32D95B7D4EAD808AD5', size = '145504', company_name = 'B.H.A Corporation', product_name = 'B's Recorder GOLD9', internal_name = 'BgSvcgen', original_filename = 'bgsvcgen.exe', file_description = 'B's Recorder GOLD Service Library', file_version = '2, 0, 2, 0', active_file = '1'
Process: : dwm.exe
File information: 
Process: : spd.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\asrock\xfast lan\spd.exe', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-31', digest = '9E2271B008EABD1263507A4185FE0CFDE84C65A659DF350EF000325FA0340B66', size = '652640', company_name = 'cFos Software GmbH', product_name = 'cFosSpeed Service', internal_name = 'spd', original_filename = 'spd.exe', file_description = 'cFosSpeed Service', file_version = '9.05.2063', active_file = '1'
Process: : DbxSvc.exe
File information: 
Process: : HeciServer.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\intel\icls client\heciserver.exe', file_creation_date = '2013-05-11', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-11', digest = '989F539E82105019D2D81255369B96DC65826CD2A421DA09809155B26F69C555', size = '733696', company_name = 'Intel(R) Corporation', product_name = 'Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface', internal_name = 'HeciServer', original_filename = 'HeciServer.exe', file_description = 'Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface', file_version = '1.28.487.1 sys_sysscbld', active_file = '1'
Process: : RAVCpl64.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\realtek\audio\hda\ravcpl64.exe', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-07-26', digest = '2FA4AA3F5E6D9C16A50F986027708AF657ADE9AE2A286E4F7686A1DF510FC2C1', size = '13636824', company_name = 'Realtek Semiconductor', product_name = 'Realtek HD Audio Manager', internal_name = 'RtHDVCpl.exe', original_filename = 'RtHDVCpl.exe', file_description = 'Realtek HD Audio Manager', file_version = '1, 0, 0, 882', active_file = '1'
Process: : USBSafelyRemove.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\usb safely remove\usbsafelyremove.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-06-23', file_last_modified_date = '2014-12-27', digest = 'F548A5C63D835C5C55754E561AC7EFAD60ADBFC7641536AC58012BF73E740555', size = '6464880', company_name = 'Crystal Rich Ltd', product_name = 'USB Safely Remove', internal_name = 'USB Safely Remove', file_description = 'USB Safely Remove - an enhanced replacement for Windows safe removal tool', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : WiFiGuard.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\softperfect wifi guard\wifiguard.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-06-29', file_last_modified_date = '2016-04-13', digest = '68FB5357669976E067591A9D10A591122786979AA973DA7C6406A009DDD6DBA8', size = '4971848', company_name = 'SoftPerfect', product_name = 'SoftPerfect WiFi Guard', file_description = 'WiFi Guard', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : Forza.exe
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\forza.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2016-10-17', digest = '7EBEA78D7794A5A1B795AD0A5EEEC37D9C280D95F01FF911C86A9501022088E2', size = '116224', company_name = 'Acresso', product_name = 'InstallAnywhere', internal_name = 'LaunchAnywhere', original_filename = 'gui.exe', file_description = 'LaunchAnywhere', file_version = '10, 0, 0, 0', active_file = '1'
Process: : javaw.exe
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\jre\bin\javaw.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2016-10-17', digest = 'E03686FE18A5D6F6F8F22875A3A66F5694DDEB199AFA6B87BBF65C08F3A91CC0', size = '149904', company_name = 'Sun Microsystems, Inc.', product_name = 'Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U45', internal_name = 'javaw', original_filename = 'javaw.exe', file_description = 'Java(TM) Platform SE binary', file_version = '6.0.450.6', active_file = '1'
Process: : AvastUI.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\avast software\avast\avastui.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-14', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'D9A48C157BF89CB56988B9197222C078167DB434D96528FE128BBD9186B9622F', size = '11818568', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'AvastUi.exe', original_filename = 'AvastUi.exe', file_description = 'Avast Antivirus', file_version = '18.1.3800.0', active_file = '1'
Process: : jusched.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON\java\java update\jusched.exe', file_creation_date = '2017-12-19', file_last_modified_date = '2017-12-19', digest = 'F1834FB3302A495991E1BF17C055145FA755B5916850910A635E13E8BA85EFE6', size = '587288', company_name = 'Oracle Corporation', product_name = 'Java Platform SE Auto Updater', internal_name = 'Java Update Scheduler', original_filename = 'jusched.exe', file_description = 'Java Update Scheduler', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : trillian.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\trillian\trillian.exe', file_creation_date = '2015-05-27', file_last_modified_date = '2015-05-27', digest = 'E518FF596B74CB1D3B340D1DEC2518DF6AA79CC9FBC12E2A5D267054C2E3D7F0', size = '2375536', company_name = 'Cerulean Studios', product_name = 'Trillian', internal_name = 'Trillian', original_filename = 'Trillian.exe', file_description = 'Trillian', file_version = '5, 6, 0, 5', active_file = '1'
Process: : NBService.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\nero\nero8\nero backitup\nbservice.exe', file_creation_date = '2008-12-02', file_last_modified_date = '2008-12-02', digest = '335ED089265B4672FC297F385CA970120B936C9C29A580E6C33EDA701EB9C695', size = '877864', company_name = 'Nero AG', product_name = 'Nero BackItUp', internal_name = 'Nero BackItUp', original_filename = 'NBService.EXE', file_description = 'Nero BackItUp', file_version = '3, 5, 4, 0', active_file = '1'
Process: : Plex Update Service.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\plex\plex media server\plex update service.exe', file_creation_date = '2017-09-25', file_last_modified_date = '2017-09-25', digest = '19052A3EF16056B69ABE4CE47FE34A732976FF880F5B0E5C4539EACB1544ADE0', size = '2092008', company_name = 'Plex, Inc.', product_name = 'Plex Update Service', internal_name = 'Plex Update Service.exe', original_filename = 'Plex Update Service.exe', file_description = 'Plex Update Service', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : IoctlSvc.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\ioctlsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2006-12-19', file_last_modified_date = '2006-12-19', digest = '7198C02935B3714C455EE94305D2A21D900D72AC67049C11A1E842572AD6C5E1', size = '81920', company_name = 'Prolific Technology Inc.', product_name = ' IoctlSvc Application', internal_name = 'IoctlSvc', original_filename = 'IoctlSvc.exe', file_description = 'PLFlash DeviceIoControl Service', file_version = '1, 6, 0, 0', active_file = '1'
Process: : upsMonitor.exe
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\upsmonitor.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2016-10-17', digest = '7EBEA78D7794A5A1B795AD0A5EEEC37D9C280D95F01FF911C86A9501022088E2', size = '116224', company_name = 'Acresso', product_name = 'InstallAnywhere', internal_name = 'LaunchAnywhere', original_filename = 'gui.exe', file_description = 'LaunchAnywhere', file_version = '10, 0, 0, 0', active_file = '1'
Process: : UTSCSI.EXE
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\utscsi.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-12-19', file_last_modified_date = '2016-12-19', digest = 'C44EA66C31CA8A425A4289FB0E7503A37FFE121CB6F50BAA474C5980E92AAEF8', size = '45056', product_name = 'UTSCSI Application', internal_name = 'UTSCSI', original_filename = 'UTSCSI.exe', file_description = 'UTSCSI Application', file_version = '1, 0, 0, 2', active_file = '1'
Process: : javaw.exe
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\jre\bin\javaw.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2016-10-17', digest = 'E03686FE18A5D6F6F8F22875A3A66F5694DDEB199AFA6B87BBF65C08F3A91CC0', size = '149904', company_name = 'Sun Microsystems, Inc.', product_name = 'Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U45', internal_name = 'javaw', original_filename = 'javaw.exe', file_description = 'Java(TM) Platform SE binary', file_version = '6.0.450.6', active_file = '1'
Process: : WLIDSVC.EXE
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\common files\microsoft shared\windows live\wlidsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2012-07-17', file_last_modified_date = '2012-07-17', digest = 'C43CFF84E7D930B4999DC061AB0766B57AAD7540B3E6EE54605B10ECE90825F5', size = '2292480', company_name = 'Microsoft Corp.', product_name = 'Microsoft® CoReXT', internal_name = 'Wlidsvc.exe', original_filename = 'Wlidsvc.exe', file_description = 'Microsoft® Windows Live ID Service', file_version = '7.250.4311.0', active_file = '1'
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\common files\microsoft shared\windows live\wlidsvcm.exe', file_creation_date = '2012-07-17', file_last_modified_date = '2012-07-17', digest = '135EC003E17E290FFC3BBE93E9136BCAD003D1E2C649EC03DF4688740CC009DC', size = '223488', company_name = 'Microsoft Corp.', product_name = 'Microsoft® CoReXT', internal_name = 'WLIDSVCM.exe', original_filename = 'WLIDSVCM.exe', file_description = 'Microsoft® Windows Live ID Service Monitor', file_version = '7.250.4311.0', active_file = '1'
Process: : upsTray.exe
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\console\upstray.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2011-04-27', digest = '74DC9FD68164283EF87A1ABAA35C17B6454BB1B47E6D14E0628D8CE02E590E0C', size = '176199', active_file = '1'
Process: : tomcat7.exe
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\tomcat\bin\tomcat7.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2013-12-20', digest = '62DA84BD22086456827D5384DE14647318576F8BDAC68B901F835E26CDE8E364', size = '80896', company_name = 'Apache Software Foundation', product_name = 'Commons Daemon Service Runner', internal_name = 'Commons Daemon Service Runner', original_filename = 'prunsrv.exe', file_description = 'Commons Daemon Service Runner', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : conhost.exe
File information: 
Process: : aswidsagenta.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\avast software\avast\x64\aswidsagenta.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-14', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = '36A2A113785F3BB3A1014A594C46B050F8A60EE33AF640B81B95D2EBB3334AEB', size = '7564512', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast', internal_name = 'aswidsagenta.exe', original_filename = 'aswidsagenta.exe', file_description = 'Avast Behavior Shield', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : DropboxUpdate.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\dropbox\update\dropboxupdate.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-06-23', file_last_modified_date = '2016-06-23', digest = '47839789332AAF8861F7731BF2D3FBB5E0991EA0D0B457BB4C8C1784F76C73DC', size = '143144', company_name = 'Dropbox, Inc.', product_name = 'Dropbox Update', internal_name = 'Dropbox Update', original_filename = 'DropboxUpdate.exe', file_description = 'Dropbox Update', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : CompatTelRunner.exe
File information: 
Process: : conhost.exe
File information: 
Process: : CompatTelRunner.exe
File information: 
Process: : overseer.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\common files\avast software\overseer\overseer.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-01-06', file_last_modified_date = '2018-01-06', digest = '9DB84B0AEC603273C25F8AAAEDB154CE307E5E7258E38A6F3FE4BEB088D56222', size = '1813384', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast OverSeer ', internal_name = 'overseer', original_filename = 'overseer.exe', file_description = 'Avast Overseer', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Process: : instup.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\avast software\avast\setup\instup.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-14', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = '57E070A52B9C2D6286CC8641BC8E39C0C5F708F482685CF96DE6E1ED4F914054', size = '1371808', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'Instup', original_filename = 'InstCont.exe', file_description = 'Avast Antivirus Installer', file_version = '18.1.3800.0', active_file = '1'
Process: : taskhost.exe
File information: 
Process: : chrome_cleanup_tool.exe
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROFILE\downloads\chrome_cleanup_tool.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-25', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-25', digest = '0B17E676A6292722618BB4D1235B5D6C29C65099318BDF60280008B6B04C4622', size = '3927160', company_name = 'Google', company_short_name = 'Google', product_name = 'Chrome Cleanup Tool', product_short_name = 'Chrome Cleanup Tool', internal_name = 'chrome_cleanup_tool_exe', original_filename = 'chrome_cleanup.exe', file_description = 'Chrome Cleanup Tool', file_version = '23.131.2', active_file = '1'
Service: Adobe Acrobat Update Service (AdobeARMservice)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON\adobe\arm\1.0\armsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2013-09-05', file_last_modified_date = '2013-09-05', digest = 'E85E7BFD29F00ED34BF5BE8BD4DA93CBB14278E16809BB55406875F0DA88551E', size = '65640', company_name = 'Adobe Systems Incorporated', product_name = 'Adobe Acrobat Update Service', internal_name = 'armsvc.exe', original_filename = 'armsvc.exe', file_description = 'Adobe Acrobat Update Service', file_version = '1, 7, 4, 0', active_file = '1'
Service: ASRock IO Monitor Service (ASRockIOMon)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\asrock utility\a-tuning\bin\iomonitorsrv.exe', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-28', digest = '1122E08493BFDF639ECB80A7F3BD640971FF3639154F4130434F98E1831E004A', size = '454656', active_file = '1'
Service: aswbIDSAgent (aswbIDSAgent)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\avast software\avast\x64\aswidsagenta.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-14', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = '36A2A113785F3BB3A1014A594C46B050F8A60EE33AF640B81B95D2EBB3334AEB', size = '7564512', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast', internal_name = 'aswidsagenta.exe', original_filename = 'aswidsagenta.exe', file_description = 'Avast Behavior Shield', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: Avast Antivirus (avast! Antivirus)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\avast software\avast\avastsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2018-02-14', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'C42B64099C79401231129A7498DD481DE4EFFDEE99EEA50000A3781E7931FD69', size = '300600', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'AvastSvc', original_filename = 'AvastSvc.exe', file_description = 'Avast Service', file_version = '18.1.3800.0', active_file = '1'
Service: B's Recorder GOLD Library General Service (bgsvcgen)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\bgsvcgen.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-22', file_last_modified_date = '2016-10-22', digest = '24FF3254680E46B5F3822D26E9AA5020B4B9809AC7B4FF32D95B7D4EAD808AD5', size = '145504', company_name = 'B.H.A Corporation', product_name = 'B's Recorder GOLD9', internal_name = 'BgSvcgen', original_filename = 'bgsvcgen.exe', file_description = 'B's Recorder GOLD Service Library', file_version = '2, 0, 2, 0', active_file = '1'
Service: cFosSpeed System Service (cFosSpeedS)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\asrock\xfast lan\spd.exe', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-31', digest = '9E2271B008EABD1263507A4185FE0CFDE84C65A659DF350EF000325FA0340B66', size = '652640', company_name = 'cFos Software GmbH', product_name = 'cFosSpeed Service', internal_name = 'spd', original_filename = 'spd.exe', file_description = 'cFosSpeed Service', file_version = '9.05.2063', active_file = '1'
Service: DbxSvc (DbxSvc)
File information: 
Service: Sistema de cifrado de archivos (EFS) (EFS)
File information: 
Service: Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface (Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\intel\icls client\heciserver.exe', file_creation_date = '2013-05-11', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-11', digest = '989F539E82105019D2D81255369B96DC65826CD2A421DA09809155B26F69C555', size = '733696', company_name = 'Intel(R) Corporation', product_name = 'Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface', internal_name = 'HeciServer', original_filename = 'HeciServer.exe', file_description = 'Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface', file_version = '1.28.487.1 sys_sysscbld', active_file = '1'
Service: Aislamiento de claves CNG (KeyIso)
File information: 
Service: Nero BackItUp Scheduler 3 (Nero BackItUp Scheduler 3)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\nero\nero8\nero backitup\nbservice.exe', file_creation_date = '2008-12-02', file_last_modified_date = '2008-12-02', digest = '335ED089265B4672FC297F385CA970120B936C9C29A580E6C33EDA701EB9C695', size = '877864', company_name = 'Nero AG', product_name = 'Nero BackItUp', internal_name = 'Nero BackItUp', original_filename = 'NBService.EXE', file_description = 'Nero BackItUp', file_version = '3, 5, 4, 0', active_file = '1'
Service: Plex Update Service (PlexUpdateService)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\plex\plex media server\plex update service.exe', file_creation_date = '2017-09-25', file_last_modified_date = '2017-09-25', digest = '19052A3EF16056B69ABE4CE47FE34A732976FF880F5B0E5C4539EACB1544ADE0', size = '2092008', company_name = 'Plex, Inc.', product_name = 'Plex Update Service', internal_name = 'Plex Update Service.exe', original_filename = 'Plex Update Service.exe', file_description = 'Plex Update Service', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: PLFlash DeviceIoControl Service (PLFlash DeviceIoControl Service)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\ioctlsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2006-12-19', file_last_modified_date = '2006-12-19', digest = '7198C02935B3714C455EE94305D2A21D900D72AC67049C11A1E842572AD6C5E1', size = '81920', company_name = 'Prolific Technology Inc.', product_name = ' IoctlSvc Application', internal_name = 'IoctlSvc', original_filename = 'IoctlSvc.exe', file_description = 'PLFlash DeviceIoControl Service', file_version = '1, 6, 0, 0', active_file = '1'
Service: Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SamSs)
File information: 
Service: Cola de impresión (Spooler)
File information: 
Service: upsMonitor (upsMonitor)
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\upsmonitor.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2016-10-17', digest = '7EBEA78D7794A5A1B795AD0A5EEEC37D9C280D95F01FF911C86A9501022088E2', size = '116224', company_name = 'Acresso', product_name = 'InstallAnywhere', internal_name = 'LaunchAnywhere', original_filename = 'gui.exe', file_description = 'LaunchAnywhere', file_version = '10, 0, 0, 0', active_file = '1'
Service: Apache Tomcat upsTomcat (upsTomcat)
File information: path = 'c:\forza2.13sp2\tomcat\bin\tomcat7.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-10-17', file_last_modified_date = '2013-12-20', digest = '62DA84BD22086456827D5384DE14647318576F8BDAC68B901F835E26CDE8E364', size = '80896', company_name = 'Apache Software Foundation', product_name = 'Commons Daemon Service Runner', internal_name = 'Commons Daemon Service Runner', original_filename = 'prunsrv.exe', file_description = 'Commons Daemon Service Runner', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: USB Safely Remove Assistant (USBSafelyRemoveService)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\usb safely remove\usbsrservice.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-06-23', file_last_modified_date = '2014-12-26', digest = '9668CF26992D74B1E05DAEADADE9D3D31D8C30A3C3B23FC2604B5B4A96D4470B', size = '1666416', company_name = 'Crystal Rich Ltd', product_name = 'USBSRService', internal_name = 'USBSRService', file_description = 'USB Safely Remove assistant service', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: CLCV0 (UTSCSI)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\utscsi.exe', file_creation_date = '2016-12-19', file_last_modified_date = '2016-12-19', digest = 'C44EA66C31CA8A425A4289FB0E7503A37FFE121CB6F50BAA474C5980E92AAEF8', size = '45056', product_name = 'UTSCSI Application', internal_name = 'UTSCSI', original_filename = 'UTSCSI.exe', file_description = 'UTSCSI Application', file_version = '1, 0, 0, 2', active_file = '1'
Service: Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant (wlidsvc)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\common files\microsoft shared\windows live\wlidsvc.exe', file_creation_date = '2012-07-17', file_last_modified_date = '2012-07-17', digest = 'C43CFF84E7D930B4999DC061AB0766B57AAD7540B3E6EE54605B10ECE90825F5', size = '2292480', company_name = 'Microsoft Corp.', product_name = 'Microsoft® CoReXT', internal_name = 'Wlidsvc.exe', original_filename = 'Wlidsvc.exe', file_description = 'Microsoft® Windows Live ID Service', file_version = '7.250.4311.0', active_file = '1'
Service: amdxata (amdxata)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\amdxata.sys', file_creation_date = '2016-06-29', file_last_modified_date = '2016-03-25', digest = '12755113A1022B10DB320D53AB2D6ACD3D529872EB937AB8E27423449AA5B470', size = '26856', company_name = 'Advanced Micro Devices', product_name = 'Storage Filter Driver', internal_name = 'vadd.sys', original_filename = 'vadd.sys', file_description = 'Storage Filter Driver', file_version = ' (NT.091202-1659)', active_file = '1'
Service: AsrAppCharger (AsrAppCharger)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\asrappcharger.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2011-11-07', digest = '77C8D98159D8BCDC7917B04977949823D50C49D0D13587310E060A4B8893AE42', size = '17192', company_name = 'Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider', product_name = 'Windows (R) Win 7 DDK driver', internal_name = 'AsrAppCharger.sys', original_filename = 'AsrAppCharger.sys', file_description = 'ASRock App Charger Driver', file_version = '6.1.7600.16385 built by: WinDDK', active_file = '1'
Service: AsrRamDisk (AsrRamDisk)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\asrramdisk.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-09', digest = '60B28184585B389751FCF71651A139D74018DE04AEBF4A497835AF727B64BD53', size = '40200', company_name = 'ASRock Inc.', product_name = 'ASRock RAM Disk', internal_name = 'AsrRamDisk.sys', original_filename = 'AsrRamDisk.sys', file_description = 'ASRock RAM Disk Driver', file_version = '0.0.3 built by: WinDDK', active_file = '1'
Service: aswArPot (aswArPot)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswarpot.sys', file_creation_date = '2017-11-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'E2935DB317F8C221B2234B04758C0284E05860167BC4EF96C31DE67DA498B2C1', size = '192944', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswArPot.sys', original_filename = 'aswArPot.sys', file_description = 'Avast anti rootkit', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswbidsdriver (aswbidsdriver)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswbidsdrivera.sys', file_creation_date = '2017-03-03', file_last_modified_date = '2017-12-22', digest = '5FD93D32CB4971BCEE9B2187E27527AA65E7030B5322E7478A266C9884CB0F2E', size = '321512', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast', internal_name = 'aswbidsdrivera.sys', original_filename = 'aswbidsdrivera.sys', file_description = 'IDS Application Activity Monitor Driver.', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: aswbidsh (aswbidsh)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswbidsha.sys', file_creation_date = '2017-03-03', file_last_modified_date = '2017-12-22', digest = '33DEE1CA72A85FE11B41FA98D2D910BC739B3A5503F668C0C46FF2D7F5F4A42D', size = '199448', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast', internal_name = 'aswbidsha.sys', original_filename = 'aswbidsha.sys', file_description = 'Application Activity Monitor Helper Driver', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: aswblog (aswblog)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswbloga.sys', file_creation_date = '2017-03-03', file_last_modified_date = '2017-12-22', digest = 'E6D4B263D2FB0B7BDB4A318BA73177E82D1254A7DCB6EBDF68316973FD0EDEFC', size = '343768', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast', internal_name = 'aswbloga.sys', original_filename = 'aswbloga.sys', file_description = 'Logging Driver', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: aswbuniv (aswbuniv)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswbuniva.sys', file_creation_date = '2017-03-03', file_last_modified_date = '2017-12-22', digest = '199A9600524F75DAE795F04037E3220D88E83614980DA3250456FD5946E2E068', size = '57696', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast', internal_name = 'aswbuniva.sys', original_filename = 'aswbuniva.sys', file_description = 'Universal Driver', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: aswHdsKe (aswHdsKe)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswhdske.sys', file_creation_date = '2017-12-22', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'C993E65F39B98C910B8E46C85933211F62A8F686EF9BE516CDA29917ECE88EF8', size = '190440', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswKeHds', original_filename = 'aswKeHds.sys', file_description = 'Home Network Security', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswKbd (aswKbd)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswkbd.sys', file_creation_date = '2016-06-24', file_last_modified_date = '2017-08-31', digest = '5B028C7723CCD1704E56C0B47E422FE1589B03219B499280B727E2BCD6E48944', size = '41832', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswKbd.sys', original_filename = 'aswKbd.sys', file_description = 'Avast Keyboard Filter Driver', file_version = '17.6.3614.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswMonFlt (aswMonFlt)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswmonflt.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = '732A07EC62A4E59CEABDF05B6BA70226953F3C3D920E9BA490388E29A533E1AC', size = '146648', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswMonFlt.sys', original_filename = 'aswMonFlt.sys', file_description = 'Avast File System Minifilter for Windows 2003/Vista', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswRdr (aswRdr)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswrdr2.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'D1A6D2BC17B4B2F013A15CC6C8E249CC53A86896DBBCFCCCF57C2E471AF5D56B', size = '110328', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswRdr.sys', original_filename = 'aswRdr.sys', file_description = 'Avast WFP Redirect Driver', file_version = '18.1.3792.0 built by: WinDDK', active_file = '1'
Service: aswRvrt (aswRvrt)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswrvrt.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'DAB9335A6B3E8790193B4C97990BE3D1EF094859BCEE230D64BEFFD758072540', size = '84368', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswRvrt.sys', original_filename = 'aswRvrt.sys', file_description = 'Avast Revert', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswSnx (aswSnx)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswsnx.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'E2D8DF5C2084F80AAB12CBFD41AACC027C4E864A75F6C07ADDC6DDFE208FB74D', size = '1026696', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswSnx.sys', original_filename = 'aswSnx.sys', file_description = 'Avast Virtualization Driver', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswSP (aswSP)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswsp.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = '1A8D35F7FDF6B5C61ADE539A49F374B56DE9DC6D7230510E8A414D790C22D9A9', size = '459952', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswSP.sys', original_filename = 'aswSP.sys', file_description = 'Avast self protection module', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswStm (aswStm)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswstm.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'C3877BC141D5B159E3D13E7ACE334A6E5B6DE3B481B3711A371FDE9EDA8D3DFB', size = '205464', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswStm', original_filename = 'aswStm.sys', file_description = 'Stream Filter', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: aswVmm (aswVmm)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\aswvmm.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-11', file_last_modified_date = '2018-02-14', digest = 'E6E7BDDDA5F36B4E3714425128D1F76C8178ADE4AA85B91CAD8247C866BF60F8', size = '379448', company_name = 'AVAST Software', product_name = 'Avast Antivirus ', internal_name = 'aswVmm.sys', original_filename = 'aswVmm.sys', file_description = 'Avast VM Monitor', file_version = '18.1.3792.0', active_file = '1'
Service: cFosSpeed for faster Internet connections (NDIS 6) (cFosSpeed)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\cfosspeed6.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-05-31', digest = '50C60F59CC1FE6EFF4E79A0A2545B14FF4851881C9262D6CFA6EE0ECF027D1D6', size = '1814880', company_name = 'cFos Software GmbH', product_name = 'cFosSpeed Driver', internal_name = 'cfosspeed', original_filename = 'cfosspeed.sys', file_description = 'cFosSpeed Driver', file_version = '9.05.2063', active_file = '1'
Service: Debut Filter Driver v6.40.02 (debutfilter)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\debutfilterx64.sys', file_creation_date = '2016-07-01', file_last_modified_date = '2016-07-01', digest = 'D2D824CE9F7B57A3659B2249531DBA85C114E65D4EEBA3A159607B2104FF704B', size = '34512', active_file = '1'
Service: ElbyCDIO Driver (ElbyCDIO)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\elbycdio.sys', file_creation_date = '2010-12-16', file_last_modified_date = '2010-12-16', digest = '16A0C8138A3BBD8BE2658261131F9777940CFB1431018A10710E5C1A88AB70EA', size = '40816', company_name = 'Elaborate Bytes AG', product_name = 'CDRTools', internal_name = 'ElbyCDIO', original_filename = 'ElbyCDIO.sys', file_description = 'ElbyCD Windows x64 I/O driver', file_version = '6, 1, 0, 4', active_file = '1'
Service: Service for Realtek HD Audio (WDM) (IntcAzAudAddService)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\rtkvhd64.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-07-30', digest = '4CA3E094B0057E143955DE5D41C3344688B6D2C4FFC0417235FF46312B600F99', size = '3564376', company_name = 'Realtek Semiconductor Corp.', product_name = 'Realtek(r) High Definition Audio Function Driver', internal_name = 'RTKVHD64.sys 7004', original_filename = 'RTKVHD64.sys', file_description = 'Realtek(r) High Definition Audio Function Driver', file_version = ' built by: WinDDK', active_file = '1'
Service: Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology Device Driver (ISCT)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\isctd.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-14', file_last_modified_date = '2014-02-03', digest = '67B44EE25B8FF5778AC58255265536EC4CC444A5A8368D6311DEDAF58357E5ED', size = '44744', product_name = 'ISCT Driver', internal_name = 'ISCT Driver', original_filename = 'ISCTD.sys', file_description = 'Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology Device Driver', file_version = '1, 1, 0, 0', active_file = '1'
Service: NDIS Miniport Driver for Qualcomm Atheros AR81xx PCI-E Ethernet Controller (L1C)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\l1c62x64.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-07-12', file_last_modified_date = '2013-07-18', digest = '153763A0C4A347526BCC2A502B5B0BC323AEC4035F1D7A8C85479FEDA0AD8A0C', size = '129224', company_name = 'Qualcomm Atheros Co., Ltd.', product_name = 'Qualcomm Atheros Ar81xx series PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller', internal_name = 'L1c62x64.sys', original_filename = 'L1c62x64.sys', file_description = 'Qualcomm Atheros Ar81xx series PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller', file_version = '', active_file = '1'
Service: PlayOn Virtual Audio Device (msvad_simple)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\povrtdev.sys', file_creation_date = '2015-10-29', file_last_modified_date = '2015-10-29', digest = '3CD9E5C42391DCD6D7AC99C1100237BD54A57F1F5511811D6382D6EFB97D444E', size = '28528', company_name = 'MediaMall Technologies, Inc.', product_name = 'PlayOn Virtual Audio Device', internal_name = 'povrtdev.sys', original_filename = 'povrtdev.sys', file_description = 'PlayOn Virtual Audio Device', file_version = '5.2.3669.1', active_file = '1'
Service: VClone (VClone)
File information: path = 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\drivers\vclone.sys', file_creation_date = '2011-01-15', file_last_modified_date = '2011-01-15', digest = 'EF8C833321449A6E8B671890F2EBC82ABC276B890D274AADDB626D763EE98964', size = '36352', company_name = 'Elaborate Bytes AG', product_name = 'Virtual CloneDrive', internal_name = 'ElbyVCD', original_filename = 'ElbyVCD.sys', file_description = 'VirtualCloneCD Driver', file_version = '5, 4, 4, 3', active_file = '1'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\adobe', folder_creation_date = '2015-07-11', folder_last_modified_date = '2015-07-12'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\amazon', folder_creation_date = '2016-08-30', folder_last_modified_date = '2016-08-30'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\appliction', folder_creation_date = '2016-06-30', folder_last_modified_date = '2016-06-30'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\asrock utility', folder_creation_date = '2015-07-12', folder_last_modified_date = '2015-07-12'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\audacity', folder_creation_date = '2017-02-26', folder_last_modified_date = '2017-02-26'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\common files', folder_creation_date = '2009-07-14', folder_last_modified_date = '2018-01-18'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\directvobsub', folder_creation_date = '2017-07-13', folder_last_modified_date = '2017-07-13'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\divx', folder_creation_date = '2016-06-27', folder_last_modified_date = '2016-07-30'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\divx h.264 decoder', folder_creation_date = '2016-06-27', folder_last_modified_date = '2016-06-27'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\divxland', folder_creation_date = '2016-07-07', folder_last_modified_date = '2016-07-07'
Installed program: path = 'CSIDL_PROGRA
Diego Borrero
25/02/18 8:48
escalare este caso a nuestros colaboradores principales de google. en cuanto encontremos una solución te responderemos.
25/02/18 8:55
Gracias Diego, especulo que todo se reduce a saber el porqué de las instrucciones que aparecen en la barra de direcciones:

Diego Borrero
26/02/18 15:09
Teniendo en cuenta que Las cookies son archivos que crean los sitios web que visitas para guardar información de la navegación y facilitar tu experiencia en línea. Gracias a las cookies, los sitios pueden mantener abierta tu sesión, recordar tus preferencias del sitio y proporcionarte contenido relevante en función del lugar donde te encuentres.

Hay dos tipos de cookies:

  • Las cookies de origen, que las crea el sitio que visitas. El sitio se muestra en la barra de direcciones.
  • Las cookies de terceros, que las crean otros sitios. Parte del contenido que ves en la página web que visitas, como anuncios o imágenes, pertenece a estos sitios.

  • Cómo borrar todas las cookies

Si quitas cookies, saldrás de tu cuenta en los sitios web en los que te encuentres y es posible que se borren tus preferencias guardadas.

  1. En tu computadora, abre Chrome.
  2. En la parte superior derecha, haz clic en Más Más y luego Configuración.
  3. En la parte inferior, haz clic en Configuración avanzada.
  4. En la sección "Privacidad y seguridad", haz clic en Configuración de contenido.
  5. Haz clic en Cookies.
  6. En la sección "Todas las cookies y todos los datos de sitios", haz clic en Eliminar todo.
  7. Para confirmar esta acción, haz clic en Borrar todo.
26/02/18 18:31
Diego, aunque no fuera una práctica usual en mi, desde que empezó este problema, al restablecer la configuración predeterminada de Chrome, y al borrar y volver a crear el usuario, las cookies se han borrado, en lo que va del mes, tres veces.
El desafío es mayor.
Diego Borrero
26/02/18 18:47
Debemos de tener en cuenta que todo lo que esta descartando, es para poder identificar asta donde es el problema de crome y asta donde puede ser el problema del O.S sistema operativo, no siempre se eliminan los cookies al restablecer o crear un usuario nuevo de crome, por eso es  necesario que realices cada uno de los pasos que se te indica y no asumir que por un proceso diferente se allá realizado. paso a seguir es ingresar de modo seguro con funciones de red, ingresar a chrome para descartar antivirus, o un posible malware.
que antivirus utilizas ?
algún complemento del antivirus, como AVG secure seach y AVG toolbar. ¿Tienes instalado algo de eso?
26/02/18 18:58
Claro, sucede que dije "aunque no fuera una práctica usual en mi" y olvidé aclarar bien que ES una práctica muy usual ante cualquier anomalía, o sea que fue lo primero que hice, eliminar cookies y todos los datos del cache.
Te entiendo y seguiré las instrucciones, pero debo volver a insistir en que como el problema es intermitente (hay períodos de dos o tres días en que no aparece) las pruebas inmediatas y que solo se hacen una vez o durante un breve período de tiempo no tienen que ser excluyentes ni serán definitivas.
Por eso otra vez insisto en que sería muy bueno saber que significa cada valor de las ordenes que vienen en la barra de direcciones y que hacen referencia a la configuración de Chrome y no a una dirección web.
Diego Borrero
26/02/18 19:03