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403 Forbidden error. Rstudio Map generation.

Dani Ramos
9/10/18 7:33
Dear officer.

I'm a PhD student and I need to create maps for genetic distribution. I'm using Rstudio to create them. Suddenly with right code (because it was working before) they stop to work. The failing problem is the following; The 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code that means that accessing the page or resource you were trying to reach is absolutely forbidden for some reason. I attach here a copy of the line. Neither adding the URL in google I'm allowed to see it.

> base <- get_map(location = 'USA', maptype = "satellite", zoom = 12)

Error in download.file(url, destfile = tmp, quiet = !messaging, mode = "wb") :

  cannot open URL ''

In addition: Warning message:

In download.file(url, destfile = tmp, quiet = !messaging, mode = "wb") :

  cannot open URL '': HTTP status was '403 Forbidden'

I had all package installed and required. In the past it was working very well but suddenly it stops.

The problem is that API is block by some reason. I'm trying to figure out why but I can't find the solution. Can you help me? Or tell me who to contact?

Thank you very much,

Kind regards,


Respuestas (2)

Nico S.
12/10/18 20:03
Hola Dani!

Hablas español ¿Cierto?

¿Estás utilizando la última versión de Rstudio? La API de Google Maps, ahora exige el uso de una Key de desarrollador para poder medir el uso de la misma. 
Esto es algo que los desarrolladores deben aplicar, y no tu como usuario final.

Deberías contactar con el desarrollador para que te brinde una actualización y solución al problema.

Un Saludo.


Nice to meet you Dani!

Are you using the last  Rstudio version? Recently Google Maps API required a billing key in order to track who and how much is using ir.
Sadly, final users can't do anything to fix it, developers should make this changes.

Can you contact to Rstudio's developers in order to get updates and fixes?


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Dani Ramos
17/10/18 4:07
Hola Nico!!!

Muchas gracias!!! Bueno no tengo ningun desarrollador. Lo estaba usando para mi proyecto de doctorado. Lo intentare hacer por mi cuenta. Muchisimas gracias!!!!

Nice to meet you!
