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Configurar discador 3g para oi

Marcia Bravo Espósito
3/03/15 16:29
If you are reporting an issue or looking for troubleshooting help, please provide the following information and a detailed description of your issue:

Chrome OS Version (Type chrome://help in your browser window's address bar. Copy and paste the first three lines you see here.):

Chromebook Model (Example: Chromebook Pixel, HP Chromebook 11, etc.):

Issue description:

Respuestas (2)

Joe Ellett
4/03/15 0:07
Please provide more details. The title did not translate well and did not contain enough information to help you.

Please answer these questions so we we can get an idea of what your configuration is. Please provide as much detail about your specific issue as possible.


When you post about a new issue, please describe exactly what you are seeing (any error messages? What were you doing before this issue came up? What are the repro steps? etc) In addition, include the following information with your answer

Chrome OS Version (Type chrome://version in your browser window's address bar. Copy and paste the first two lines you see here.):

Chromebook Model (Example: Chromebook Pixel, HP Chromebook 11, etc.):

Issue description: 

4/03/15 11:10
+Marcia Bravo Espósito-

Benvido ao Chromebook Foro Central en inglés! Temos tamén un foro de axuda en español: Aquí é o foro de axuda en español:

Google Chrome - Foro de ayuda

¡ Sorte !

-JW (también)

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 6:29:54 PM UTC-6, Marcia Bravo Espósito wrote:
Configurar discador 3g para oi