La mac se apagó por lo que Chrome se cerró incorrectamente. Al prender la computadora y abrir Chrome, se abre una venta con un warning que dice "chrome no se ha cerrado correctamente--- restaurar- cerrar" y unos segundo después se traba y se cierra.
No hay chance de cambiar de usuario, checar extensiones o borrar datos de navegación.
Ya lo desinstale y volví a instalar y nada, sigue igual.
The mac suddenly shut down so Chrome was shut down incorrectly. When i turn on the computer and open Chrome, a window opens with a warning that says "chrome has not been properly closed --- restore - close" and a few seconds later it locks and closes.
There is no chance of changing users, checking extensions or deleting browsing data.
I already uninstall it and reinstalled it and nothing, it stays the same.