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Google Chrome - Foro de ayuda

Esta página web es un archivo de los hilos antiguos de los foros de Google. Más información

Donde está la barra de herramientas

23/03/16 3:33
Who he is the one who decides who can and can not see a antrada to Google. The toolbar disappears and aprentando hundreds of buttons that are showing anything and modifying what I need it is as simple as looking "mouse". All in good taste you and complicated for the user who is not an expert. You forget that the user is not dedicated to making web pages. It is usually a poor person delivered to his mental musings of you.
Please think first in who is going to use your work and not in what is going to say the other experts which are competing with you  

Respuestas (1)

José A. Esteban
23/03/16 3:49
Hola jpbs70.

La utilidad de "Herramientas" en Chrome está en el botón con las tres barras horizontales que aparecen en la parte superior derecha en la ventana del navegador. ¿Es a esa utilidad a la que te refieres? Por favor, explica con detalle para que sea posible intentar ayudarte.