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Google Chrome - Foro de ayuda

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Imposible usar Chrome

Rodrigo Jiménez Ponce
31/10/12 16:05
Hola, basicamente mi problema es que todo el contenido se arrincona al lado izquierdo de la pantalla, letras como la ñ o las tildes me las desconfigura transformandolo en algo ilegible... en fin, no se que hacer, espero alguna ayuda, de antemano gracias!

Respuestas (1)

1/11/12 4:28
This is the English Google Chrome forum so I'll move this to the Spanish version of the forum, so you can get better support with your issue. Please click on the link in the "This topic has been moved to..." reference box above and after doing so, to continue receiving email updates, click on the envelope icon in the top right of your post.
